“I think I’m in hell, and therefore I am” (Arthur Rimbaud)   Slava Mogutin and Brian Kenny (aka SUPERM) are beyond doubt one of of the most inspirational and influential power couples in the art world. That’s why it’s no wonder they get so much (deserved) air time on Grateful Grapefruit. For their latest project, BEAUTY and HELL, a two part

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Full Stop: Election Day

Hey Jim, how are you doing today, what are your plans for the day?  I’m feeling happy to be back home in NYC. Traveling across the country and seeing Romney signs was a bit jarring. Im NY we’re in this sort of bubble and seeing the signs was a reminder of that. I’m spending today catching up on political

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Don’t Ask Don’t Tell

In the Golden Age Of Denial as the colleagues at call it, the army was everything but supporting the Don’t Ask Don’t Tell rule. When you look at the military art used for recruitment and advertising, you can clearly see that soldiers kissed and told and gossiped over afternoon tea back then. Sweaty, shirtless men in intimate situations with other sweaty muscular

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Full Stop: Mitt Romney Side-Effects

In the fifth edition of the political column FULL STOP progressive NYC based TV host and journalist Jim Morrison discusses parallels between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney, answering the question nobody dares to think about – What if Romney actually wins? Oh, there is something about hurricane Sandy too.  What is your hurricane Sandy survivor story? By some weird coincidence I booked

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On This Day, 3 Years Ago

On this day, 3 years ago, I met someone truly special. Here’s how it went down:  It was Nov 4, 2009, a typically gloomy Berlin Thursday when I saw something on Twitter about a “Fall Of The Wall” celebration at the Brandenburg Gate and a free U2 concert. Neither did I have the idea that MTV was involved and that

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Full Stop: Romney Eating Pink Slime In the Middle East and Obama Getting Better

In the fourth edition of the political column FULL STOP progressive NYC based TV host and journalist Jim Morrison gives useful tips on preparing for the dark season, takes a trip to Iran and commemorates the pink slime.  How do you prepare for winter?  I try to ride my bike a lot more knowing it will soon get too cold…I’m baby about being cold. I

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THE NEW YORK ART BOOK FAIR 2012: A Recollection

Another year, another art book fair. I honestly can’t believe how one subjects themselves to such an anxiety inducing event such as NYABF on an annual basis. That’s why I’m glad I gave myself two years before returning. The last time I went to the fair in 2010, I was on a date, which caused my mind to panic a

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Pick 5: Museums For a Metaphysical Orgasm

Editor’s note: Adam and I met through the miracles of networking. I instantly knew that I want him to write for Grateful Grapefruit. This is the lovechild of a collaboration between Grateful grapefruit and Traves Of Adam – a hipster travel & lifeystle blog » design, culture, city guides, travel stories. adam will present his 5 top pics every week on

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American Medium

This summer I got the lovely opportunity to intern and live in New York City, something I don’t normally get to do as I’m usually stuck up in school in the suburbs. Interning two days a week for GLAAD left me with a lot of free time to see friends, eat an excessive amount of Vanessa’s dumplings in the LES, browse

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Lee Materazzi

If there is one photographer’s work I can fully relate to it’s Lee Materazzi’s. The San Francisco based photographer depicts the chaos, clutter and mental constipation that’s slowly absorbing our lives. Lee’s visual research of people’s obsession with the objects they own; the responsibilities they come with; and how easy we become faceless in the struggle of posession is

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Full Stop: Romney, Mohammed and the iPhone 5

In the third edition of the political column FULL STOP progressive NYC based TV host and journalist Jim Morrison sexts Romney, while deciding whether or not to buy an iPhone 5.  Religious Muslims still get pretty upset when it comes to making fun of or even simply depicting the prophet Mohammed. Do you think the mocking video trailer was a good joke that the religious

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There’s nothing better than a room full of horny nerds. Maybe only a stadium full of horny nerds. Grateful Grapefruit is going to take on Social Media Week Berlin next Monday with only one goal in mind – fill the room with the creme de la creme of local and foreign horny nerds and admirers. With the title #2QT2BSTR8 [too

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