Boys will be boys

Photographer Milan Vukmirovic expresses his nostalgia on the past boyhood in his new L’Officiel Hommes spread dedicated to heroes, role models and boyish fantasies. Perfect match for the shoot is model Arthur Sales whose juvenile looks make the imagery look like vintage shots collected from grown-up kids or some garage sales in a town so unpopular it wouldn’t appear on

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Batman and Robin: Historia de un Bat-Amor

The history of Batman and Robin’s complex yet passionate relationship. Imagery: Terry Richardson, misc, misc, misc, misc, fox4859, otokoboy, bloodmilk, arkham, mcatness, ruran, fighter4luv, srawberrieninja

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Grateful Grapefruit ♥ homocomix

We are proud to announce the beginning of a sexy nerdy collaboration between GRATEFUL GRAPEFRUIT and homocomix. I have been following their Twitter updates and Tumblr posts over the last couple of months – it was real geekgasm to look at the whole collection of gay comics, fucking super heroes and nasty villians. Last Friday I had the idea to

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Caribou: Swim: Odessa

First came Tomorrow, In A Year by The Knife (which I am utterly incapable of reviewing, in the good sense); then came the news about the new Johanna Newsom Have One On Me album and now Swim by Caribou (release date April 16) – the new music decade is unstoppable and explosively inspiring. The first track off Swim,  Odessa gives

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Bruce LaBruce: LA Zombie

Francois Sagat is one of the guys you have seen at least once while looking for video or pics to jack off to. He is the guy with the sculp tattoo, the guy I thought is far taller than he is in reality and the guy who plays the alien zombie in the last movie by Candaian indie porn director

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Thomas Eggerer: Fence Romance Collages

NY-based artist Thomas Eggerer is currently showing some new works at Galerie Daniel Buchholz, Cologne (exhibiton place for Wolfgang Tillmans and Isa Genzgen too). The exhibition consists of both some bigger paintings, which show “figures in ambivalent spaces that are both expansive and limiting” and a bunch of smaller collages which you can enjoy below.

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Made in BG: KiNK

KiNK is a decent modest boy from Sofia. He is also one of the few DJs that will ever make it in MADE IN BG or in any other related post on Bulgarian club culture, scene or whatever not just only on GRATEFUL GRAPEFRUIT. The mixtape you find at the bottom of this post is the pure evidence for that

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Nick Gentry: Floppy VHS portraits

Nick Gantry was a bit annoying as a boy. He used to collect all those floppy disks and VHS tapes – even his mother didn’t know what is wrong with her most beloved. Until one day he became famous for recycling his whole stash of old data carriers into art (see the gallery at the end for a detailed brief

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Build Google car step-by-step guide

You definitely have heard about the Google Street View car visiting Berlin a week ago. Well If you haven’t, I can tell you that you have missed a lot. The guys from F.A.T. and their Fuck Google! week made it to an internal discussion during a meeting at Google according to a source in the internet giant. I have to

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Wie krass ist das denn?! Das “My Zombie Pin-Up” Crew ist entweder extrem depressiv und manisch oder seit Monaten auf Pilzen. Das Blog folgt der neuen Torture Porn Tendenz, die nach Hostel 1 und 2 und der ganzen SAW Serie gesetzt wurde. My Zombie Pinup stellt Produkte wie Kalender (mit dem sie die Fragen What makes a Pinup a Pinup

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Nennt mich traditionell und konservativ, aber ich muss mich jetzt outen – Ich habe eine geheime nostalgievolle Beziehung mit dem Design und der visuellen Kultur in den USA der 1950er Jahre.

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