Pink Mince

Pink Mince is a modest little zine “for the confirmed bachelor of exceptional taste”, published every couple of months or so. The guys aim to delight, titillate, amuse, provoke, and inspire (That is to say: we feature jokes and blokes, possibly with a point behind it all.) And they do it but in a gentle and not BUTT-ish way. You

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The Music Event

The MUSIC EVENT is more than a new category on Grateful Grapefruit. It will be a series of (rather rare) special online music events of featuring new albums, new artists or concerts and promoting faggotry from all over the world. The first music event will take place this Friday (known also as Black Friday in the US) November 26 2010

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FUR_07: Ginger

You know what they say – once you sleep with a ginger there is no turning back. While all Google nerds wait for the gingerbread,  I decided to leave the bread, keep the ginger and dedicate this FUR set to these rare species of red heads, their beards and hairy chests and bellies. [IMAGES via thedailybeard, 827, dampkring, carrot-top]

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Christos from Greece

You know this feeling – you receive a friend request on Facebook by a beautiful stranger whom you have a couple of mutual friends with (some of them you have slept with and some of them you want to). Exactly this is how I met Christos Karpalos (26). I don’t really remember who was first to send a friend request,

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Small Changes Make The Difference

Finishing the geeky week on Grateful Grapefruit, I decided to auto-kick my butt and do some small, but important changes to the zine design. Navigation The navigation buttons on the right will help you find easier what you’re looking for – some extravagant art, a horny nerd or two or furry chest to stroke. Search Kind of self-explanatory and really

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Green Porno

When I was kid I used to play with those red bugs that come out in the spring and lay their eggs and cover the lower bark of the trees. With my friends we used to be pretty fascinated of the way those bugs fuck. they were just sticking butt to butt and walking around like that. Isabella Rossellini is

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Nils Völker: One Hundred and Eight

It’s quite a geeky week on Grateful Grapefruit. And I have to admit that I like it. The next project I want to present to you is called One Hundred and Eight and is an installation by Nils Völker. It is an interactive wall-mounted Installation mainly made out of ordinary garbage bags. Controlled by a microcontroller each of them is

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Global Depot

DIS magazine challenges with a new GIF photo shoot called Global Depot featuring Janette Hayes. Photography David Toro Creative Direction David Toro and Solomon Chase GIFs David Toro and Jeanette Hayes For the full GIF experience visit DIS.

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Browser art: Tolia Demidov

Tolia is actually the nickname for Anatoly Demidov. He is born 1988 in Moscow where he still lives and works on his amazing web art projects. Since there is not really a lot of info on Tolia, I contacted him right before he left for St. Petersburg. Here is what we chatted about: Tell me more about yourself than the

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New Dresscode

I don’t really like staged photo shoots -but this one is different. Ted Sabarese creates a new environment friendly fashion with his photo work. He shoots people. All kinds of people, but especially relishes working with non-professional models and actors who don’t fit the traditional definition of beauty. His personal and fine art work have won wide, critical acclaim for

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KMLN is Rudy Guedj from Lyon, France. This is also the only piece of info I have about him / her. While I am digging, you can take a look at the inspiring and somehow mellow work by this talent français. For more by KMLN, visit his Behance portfolio.

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Agnes Bolt x 5

Agnes Bolt made analog video versions of 5 of Rafaël Rozendaal’s websites: jello time .com, popcorn painting .com, much better than this .com, to the water .com and color flip .com. And I have proven my point that Grateful Grapefruit can be not just about body culture and focusing on male beauty and fashion. It continues to be a place for nerds and geeks – and I don’t mean

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