Super Tokyo

Leslie Kee (40) was born and raised in Singapore. After  challenges commuting between New YOrk and Tokyo for a while, decides to go back to Japan and push some buttons. His latest major book project called SUPER TOKYO Leslie challenges Asian stereotypes, tradition and norms in the island country. As japans’s most celebrated controversial photographer, Kee asks Hello Kitty to pose

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*YUMURTA = eggs (Turkish) I am not an artists. Having said that, I think it is safe to present my first art project, part of the past YOLK! party in Panke on April 23. I can’t and don’ want to talk about the photography. The concept is random and the point is to have fun and appreciate absurdism. I’d appreciate

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Mitsuko nagone in HONK! 002

Mitsuko Nagone would challenge your expectations and perspectives on Asian art. Her photographs carry a hidden yet not so obvious message and represent Nagone’s passion for detailed perfection. Mitsuko grew up in a small southern city in Japan. She moved to Tokyo and studied photography at the College of Tokyo Visual Arts. She then moved to New York City to

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illustration: Ango The MeekDead There are two really good reasons to celebrate. The first one is, that you are reading issue number two of HONK! which automatically means that issue number one was a tremendous success. The second occasion is that Revenge Of The Nerds is becoming a constant part of HONK! and in this way my personal tool for

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What if you lived in IKEA?

I know this will be a dream come true for my friend Lin, but when you take a closer look, it looks pretty scary. Christian Gideon is the photographer who took a day and 2 of his friends to explore what a life would be like in IKEA – which turned also to his most interesting project as a photographer

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Nathaniel Mellors

Thanks to Sean’s overly excited report on Nathan Mellors’ exhibition in the ICA in London and after some video soul searching, the next logical step is to share the art on Grateful Grapefruit. Born in Doncaster, England 1974, Nathaniel lives and works in London. He studied 1999–2001 at the Royal College of Art, London and 1996–1999 at Ruskin School, Oxford University.

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MJÖLK AW 11/12

If you are a devoted follower of this zine you definitely know by now about the existence of a secret back door in the Grateful Grapefruit headquarters leading to a fanatic Ginger Cult. I have to admit, this was the first thing that caught my attention on the new AW 2011/2012 MJÖLK collection. Might sound shallow, but we all know that

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Dadatek: YOLK

Are you ready for this? One of the most challenging fashion colors will be the center of this post. YELLOW. DADATEK, a collective for the curation of bizarre pop-art parties, in collaboration with local artists, performers and DJs present YOLK, an absurdist/neo-dadaist night of art, performance and music all around the color YELLOW. No, it’s got nothing to do with golden showers

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Odyn Vovk

Odyn Vovk [oh•din vah•k] stands for One Wolf in Ukranian. It also stands for a LA based fashion label created by Austin Sherbanenko. His work he describes like a “reflection on my youth and being inspired by anything that sparks my curiosity. The collection is designed without the structured direction that a hard lined story would offer. I have a much more

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Taner Ceylan

Taner Ceylan has to be stoned. That’s how far the musilm’s acceptance for Tancer’s art would go, you might think. In fact, the German-born painter is based in Istanbul, Turkey and kicking all cliches and stereotypes in the nuts. Taner Ceylan (44) studied at Mimar Sinan University, Istanbul, Turkey. After he finished that, he started his career with his first exhibition in

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Felipe Guga aka FUGGA

Handmade collages from Felipe Guga – Brazil. Other words are unnecessary or better – not available. While I’m still digging for information around the artist, you can take a look at the funny and provocative work:

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Julia Fullerton-Batten

Julia is a perfectionist. You might say that’s due to her partially German roots. But that would be too shallow and inappropriate judgement. Julia Fullerton-Batten was born in Bremen, Germany, her mother German, her father English. She spent her childhood in germany and in the USA before moving to the UK in 1986. At school-leaving age she decided to enter

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