Peep Show: Despina Stokou

Despina Stokou gets bodied. Her work deals with gender roles and identity issues, as well as the underlying sexuality in almost anything. Maybe that’s also the foremost reason why she has been included in the Peep Show this Friday in Tape Modern Berlin. RSVP to the event here. Where do you get inspiration from for your art? My work deals

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Peep Show: Christopher Winter

Christopher Winter like to live out his sexual fantasies onthe canvas. Ora maybe in real life too. He is curating the Peep Show edition of Tape Modern this Friday in Berlin. And showing a piece of his art, too. Here is what we talked, 2 days before the art show. Where do you get inspiration from for your art? From

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Tape Modern: Peep Show

This Friday Berlin’s dance and disco temple TAPE will turn to a gallery for just one night, yet again. Many claim that the show has been called Tape Modern to confuse tourists and make them believe it has anything to do with the Tate Modern in London, but as much as I appreciate and love Tate, Tape Modern has a

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DADATEK goes (to) KITA

KITA is usually an abbreviation for kindergarden in German, but this KITA is more about the kids, their art and less about the synthesizing of words. DADATEK, a creative initiative for the curation of bizarre art parties, present KITA – aka Kunst für Irrationale Tugend und Ablichtung – in other words, the art of play! After delighting audiences with a celebration of yellowism

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Marc Gómez del Moral

2 facts about Marc – he is an amazing director and cinematographer and he loves to have some tits in his (music) videos. Marc Gómez del Moral (35) is born and raised in Barcelona and that’s where he still lives and creates inspiring sequences of absurdist images. In his portfolio are collaborations with artists like Marina Abramovic, Luis Cerveró and

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Unusually enigmatic piece by Chris Sweeney for London-based hair designer Charlie Le Mindu, whom you might know from his extravagant shows. Sweeney, who has already done a fashion film for YSL, offers enthralling imagery underlining the performance with haunting and powerful music from the soundtrack of TRON: Legacy. The use of light is incredible and incredibly dramatic, just like the hairstyles.

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Bart Hess

Bart Hess is exploring several fields that straddle material, animation and photography, these fall within the commercial and art world. Bart works in primitive and infinite ways. He works with his instinct and starts by using a material on the body, exploring volumes and ways of re-shaping the human silhouette. In fast speed, expelling all his creative energy. He creates imagery that captures future human shapes and new body form’s. Bart is discovering a low-tech prosthetic

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David Benjamin Sherry

David is a master of still life. Be it in the form of a layered color forrest or a glory hole over a plastic fruit salad, the 30-yo artist never seizes to provoke and surprise. 2011 started off successfully for Sherry: OHWOW Los Angeles showed his solo exhibition FORM FORMING FORMATION. And another one in NYC is about to be announced

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Lady Gaga: Torn This Way

Lady Gaga is not really the word of mouth on Grateful Grapefruit. But it is almost inevitable to not write about (my least favorite word when talking about pop culture) the “hype” around Born This Way – an album that made a name and split the audiences before it’s actual release. It goes without saying, that Lady Gaga is one of

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Breakfast Interrupted | BSS

I woke up yesterday morning and The Tiger had posted this video on my Facebook wall. I just watched with a light smile and enjoyed the flying food milk and coffee getting mixed in the air. Pretty is an understatement about this work of the advertising imagery professionals from Bruton Strouble Studios. Bruton Stroube Motion creates compelling stories with a

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You know the drill – you go to Möbel Olfe (Maybe one of Berlin’s most popular gay bars on a Thursday night) and you get the feeling that you just walked in one of those new naked scanners you find at airport security. You get so many looks that you start to wonder if you turned into a QR

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Benjamin Fredrickson

Benjamin’s work is making me very sad. I don’t know if it’s the fact that he is depicting only a certain side of homosexuality and gay life. Or maybe it’s because he is showing (mostly) miserable fuck-ups getting barebacked and cream-pied and all the consequences of that? Dunno. Build your opinion on his website and from the gallery in the

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