Spencer Chalk-Levy

I met Spencer this summer. He invited me over to his apartment, showed me his paintings and talked about cats and boys. I can’t remember meeting anyone so open-hearted and sincere recently. Especially someone from the art scene, an artist. I hope Spencer remains that way even when he becomes the super selling mega art star he deserves to be.

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Non-Trajectory Gliding In A Flying Snake

A look at “My safe reduction to form”, with local art fag,  Marcus Knupp Currently on view at the Berlin based gallery Exile is the exhibition “My safe reduction to form”, a group show of 11 artists that gladly takes you on walk with no predetermined destination. I came by the gallery the day before the opening. I was in the

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“I think I’m in hell, and therefore I am” (Arthur Rimbaud)   Slava Mogutin and Brian Kenny (aka SUPERM) are beyond doubt one of of the most inspirational and influential power couples in the art world. That’s why it’s no wonder they get so much (deserved) air time on Grateful Grapefruit. For their latest project, BEAUTY and HELL, a two part

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Don’t Ask Don’t Tell

In the Golden Age Of Denial as the colleagues at advocate.com call it, the army was everything but supporting the Don’t Ask Don’t Tell rule. When you look at the military art used for recruitment and advertising, you can clearly see that soldiers kissed and told and gossiped over afternoon tea back then. Sweaty, shirtless men in intimate situations with other sweaty muscular

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THE NEW YORK ART BOOK FAIR 2012: A Recollection

Another year, another art book fair. I honestly can’t believe how one subjects themselves to such an anxiety inducing event such as NYABF on an annual basis. That’s why I’m glad I gave myself two years before returning. The last time I went to the fair in 2010, I was on a date, which caused my mind to panic a

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American Medium

This summer I got the lovely opportunity to intern and live in New York City, something I don’t normally get to do as I’m usually stuck up in school in the suburbs. Interning two days a week for GLAAD left me with a lot of free time to see friends, eat an excessive amount of Vanessa’s dumplings in the LES, browse

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Lee Materazzi

If there is one photographer’s work I can fully relate to it’s Lee Materazzi’s. The San Francisco based photographer depicts the chaos, clutter and mental constipation that’s slowly absorbing our lives. Lee’s visual research of people’s obsession with the objects they own; the responsibilities they come with; and how easy we become faceless in the struggle of posession is

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Alma Alloro

Building a strong connection between printed matter and online publication is what I am aiming for with the Printed Matters section on Grateful Grapefruit. A lot different, but with the same DNA of an idea, artist Alma Alloro intertwines digital and analog in her work. Further Abstract is a series of drawings converted to a GIF animation and then converted back

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The Beast Within

Browsing through my Tumblr feed has recently turned to a rather dull and boring routine trying to bring some excitement over to Grateful Grapefruit’s Facebook page Since the lines of decency that Facebook draws are pretty thick and I am refraining myself from showing you the creme de la creme (sometimes literally) Furthermore, I think you don’t need to see a hard

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Aganetha Dyck’s Honeycomb

The fascination with bees has been a driving force for numerous modern day scientists, researchers as well as many past civilizations. Aganetha Dyck’s current research is based on interspecies communication between humans and honeybees to understand the delicate and fragile nature that exists between these two species. Working in a collaborative process with the insects, she creates sculptural and visual representations

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James Clar

James Clar is a media artist whose work is a fusion of technology, popular culture and exciting visuals. His work explores the limitations of various communication mediums and its effect on the individual and society. Focusing on the visual arts, his work often controls and manipulates light – the common intersection of all visual mediums. While his early work dealt

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Queer Technologies

Lately one of my professors has been crowd sourcing ideas for his upcoming classes this fall from his Facebook friends. One of his classes, which I unfortunately cannot fit into my schedule (I’ll still audit the hell out of it), is called Genres of Affect and explores the idea of how affect is seen as a form of power. It’s

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