Taner Ceylan has to be stoned. That’s how far the musilm’s acceptance for Tancer’s art would go, you might think. In fact, the German-born painter is based in Istanbul, Turkey and kicking all cliches and stereotypes in the nuts.

Taner Ceylan (44) studied at Mimar Sinan University, Istanbul, Turkey. After he finished that, he started his career with his first exhibition in 1991 in a group show and hasn’t stopped till his most recent solo exhibition last year in Galerist, Istanbul, Turkey. Taner’s work displays the most intimate moments in a gay man’s life with the soft touch of hyperrealistic painting techniques. I always feel a bit voyeuristic, a bit dirty when I look at Ceylan’s paintings. You can take a look and share some thoughts in the comments.


  1. Christo Author

    Thanks for the correction! Hauptsache the title was right. I don’t know what you’re referring to when u say more “developped” and “original” article – if I have read the one you’re refering to I would’ve pointed that out. The truth is I stumbeld upon the images on Monday.

    For Taner’s art words are just too much for me.

    And btw there is Wikipedia for those who want to learn more on his persona.

    ANYWAY – thx wilian

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