Puppetry Auditions
Berlin is the center of many kinds of start-ups – commercial start-ups like extravagant companies or new products; political start-ups like fugitives seeking shelter and personal start-ups like young actors and aggressive self-publicists. If you belong to the last type then you will definitely find the following information extremely useful. There’s an audition you have to attend – for puppetry. Your skills in self-expression and reinvention will be very highly valued and your rather obvious than hidden potential will be rewarded. Oh, I forgot to mention it’s Penis Puppetry we’re talking about here.
The Puppetry Of The Penis – that show where two dudes make sophisticated origami with their genitals for a paying (mainly female megahorny giggly) audience – is looking for new talents. They’re holding open auditions for their new show, and you’ve got only two weeks to rehearse! For dates and venues visit their website. For practice, just start with the following slightly NSFW collection and let your imagination go wild:
drawings from gothamist
images from perthcomedy and emilyjeanullrich