Above you see the making of what I’ll tell you about right now.

Each day, we are surrounded by seemingly insignificant objects, taking them from one place to the other, or leaving them on a table for weeks, without paying any attention to them. We ignore or forget them, using things only when we need to, making sure they don’t interfere or inhabit our space. The guys below imagine a place where objects could live and move, harmoniously, and of their own accord. Without interfering with each other these objects would bounce, roll, turn and cross each other’s paths.

Dans Dance – This experiment is about re-discovering our daily surroundings. Each object is assigned to a letter on the keyboard, and can be activated or deactivated at any time.

About the nerd creators

Julien Vallée is a Montreal based graphic / motion-designer. Trying to explore the different fields of design, he’s been questioning the relative roles of the computer and handmade processes in design. He tries to get in touch with every aspect of the environment, using manual processes strongly supported by the technological tools of today to bridge as many of these disciplines as he can.

Nicolas Burrows is an artist, illustrator and designer and works as part of the Nous Vous collective. He also makes music under the moniker ‘Glaciers’. He tries to make work appropriate to the context, and is interested in collaborative processes.

Watch/play the interactive video here.


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